- Large Variety (random mix of colours ) from $2 & $3
- White Large Variety from $2-95
- Dwarf Blue Variety from $2 to $3-95
- Dwarf White Variety from $2-95
- Peter Pan, Tinkerbell, Seafoam, Silverbaby, Streamline, Purple Cloud from $2-95
Hedging Options
- Buxus Sempervirens from $2-25 & $2-50
- Buxus Suffruticosa from $2-50
- Buxus Japonica from $2-95
- Buxus Microphylla Koriensis from $2-95
- Buxus Green Gem from $2-95
- Buxus Silver Beauty from $2-95
- Lonicera Nitida from $2-25
- Corokia from $2-95
- Teucriums from $2-95
- Photinia Red Robin from $2-95
- Camellias from $2-95
Other Plants
- Abelias from $2-95
- Acanthus Mollis from $2-95
- Ajuga from $2-95
- Astelias from $3-95
- Azaleas from $2-95
- Bird Of Paradise from $3-95
- Boronias from $2-95
- Bougainvilleas from $3-95
- Calla Lillies Bulbs from $4-50
- Canna Lillies from $2-95
- Choisyas from $2-95
- Clivea from $4-95
- Corokias from $2-95
- Coprosma from $2-95
- Cordylines from $2-50
- Cupressus from $4-50
- Dracaena Draco (small ) from $2-95
- Ericas from $2-95
- Euonymus Emerald Green from $2-95
- Gardenia from $2-95
- Grevilleas from $2-95
- Griselinias from $2-95
- Hebes from $2-95
- Hydrangeas from $2-95
- Lavenders from $2-25
- Leptospermums from $2-95
- Libertia from $2-95
- Liriopes from $3-95
- Metrosideros from $2-95
- Mini Toe Toe from $2-95
- Olive Trees from from $9-95
- Pittosporums from $2-50
- Red Hot Pokers from $2-95
- Renga Renga Lillies from $2-95
- Rosemary from $2-95
- Scleranthus from $3-50
- Teucrium Fruiticans from $2-95
- Zantedeschias from $2-95
Native Species
- Titoki - attracts birds,lowland tree from $2-95
- Gossamer Grass, weeping -Brown-green from $2-50
- Carex Bronze Warrior 50cm x 50 cm from $2-50
- Carex Buchanannii, reddish/brown-upright from $2-50
- Carex Comans Green & Red/Brown native from $2-00
- Carex Dipsacea - light green 0.7x 0.7m from $2-50
- Carex Flagellifera, weeping grass,green 60cm from $2-50
- Carex Secta large green sedge,best in damp cond from $2-50
- Carex Solandri- suits shade,greenish yellow 60 cm from $2-50
- Carex Testacea -orange green, most poplar choice from $2-50
- Carex Trida , green, likes sun & drained soil from $2-50
- Chionochloa Flavicans - dwarf toe toe from $2-95
- Kaka beak - red flowers/spreadsing shrub from $2-95
- Coprosma Robusta / Repens -attracts birds from $2-95
- Cordyline Australis _ Cabbage trees from $2-50
- Cortaderia Fulvida - Toe Toe from $2-50
- Hebe Stricta Koromiko 1.5x 1.5m from $2-50
- Lacebark- likes full sun,cream/white flowers from $2-95
- Phormium Cookianum -mountain flax 2 colours from $2-50
- Phormium Tenax -flaxexcellent shelter 2.5m,hardy from $2-50
- Pittosporum Crassifolum (Karo) from $2-50
- Pittosporum Eugeniodes (Lemonwood ) from $2-50
- Pittosporum Tenuifolium (Kohuhu ) from $2-50
- Poe Cita - Silver Tussock from $2-50
- Sophoria Microphylla (Kowhai ) attracts birds from $2-95
Exotics / Shelter Trees
- Silk Trees, Alders, Silver Birch, Bottle Brush, Cedar, Cypress, Escallonias, Leptospermum, Pines, Oak, Redwood, ( from $2-95 each- great value )
- Feijoa Sellowiana - Great for eating, ideal for hedge prices from $2-95
- Citrus Tahitian Lime prices from $3-95
Ornamental Grasses
- Acorus Varigata from $2-95
- Festuca from $2-95
- Mondo Grass (Black & Green ) from $2-95
- Scirpus Fibre optics Grass from $2-95
Phormiums / Ornamental Flaxs
- Bronze Baby, Coffee, Co-ordination, Emerald Green, Jack Spratt, Pepe, Rainbow Sunrise, Surfer Bronze, Surfer Green, Yellow Wave, Pink Panther, Rainbow Maiden, Rainbow Queen, Thumbellina, Tom Thumb, prices from $4-50, $5-50 & $6-50 depending on grade
Lavenders - over 30 different varieties too numerous to list from $2-25
Pittosporums - over 20 different varieties too numerous to list from $2-50
Hebes - over 30 different varieties too numerous to list from $2-95
Coprosma - over 30 different varieties too numerous to list from $2-95
Corokia - over 10 different varieties from $2-95
Leptospermum - over 10 different varieties available from $2-95
- Plants available only while stocks last
- Prices include GST
- Minimum order of 25 plants may apply in some cases
- Discounts available for large volume orders
- Freight charges not included
- Plants sold on a first come basis only
- Prices subject to change.