- Carex Frosted curls
Green or bronze fronds with pale twisted tips $2.00 - Carex Comans
Bronze Native tussock, $2-00 - Carex Comans
Green Native tussock green $2.00 - Carex Ternaria
Fine Red/Brown Grass,ideal for mass plantings $2 .00 - Carex Testacea
Bronzy-green tussock $2.00 - Carex Dipsacea
N Z Native $2-00 - Helictotrichon Semp
Blue Oat Grass $2-50 - Mondo Grass
Forms attractive clumps of black grass - popular choice $3-00 - Festuca Coxii
Chatham island Fescue. Fine leaved blue grass $2-50
We can source other plants for you at very competitive prices. On some varieties there may be a minimum order of 20 plants and a small freight charge may apply. Plants listed are in 5 cm or 7 cm pots. Prices are subject to change with-out notice and include GST.